
Sunday, May 18, 2014

It’s not about casinos. It’s about Citizens United.(BMG Post on Friday)

People are asking us why we’re singling out Steve Wynn if we’re against casinos.  Think of the NoWay2Wynn campaign as a protest movement against Citizens United.  Steve Wynn – along with Sheldon Adelson and the Koch Brothers — is one of the poster boys for unbridled corporate spending on political campaigns.  These four men have spent billions to drive an extremist agenda and warp the democratic process.  They have done this with impunity since the Citizens United ruling in 2010.   Legal efforts are under way to turn back the Supreme Court’s decision but in the meantime, there’s nothing quite like an old fashioned protest.
While the legal system sorts out the constitutionality of the Citizens United decision, Steve Wynn has provided the citizens of the Commonwealth with the opportunity to stand up and make a statement.   In our consumer oriented economy, one of the most effective tools in the political activist’s arsenal is the boycott. Mozilla’s firing of Brendan Eich over his support of California’s Proposition 8 is only the latest example of how effective this type of campaign can be.  A consumer boycott of Citizens United is unrealistic because the Koch Bothers’ holdings are too complex and diversified and you would have to fly to Las Vegas to boycott Adelson or Wynn.  But when Steve Wynn decided to bid on a casino in Everett, he brought the whole issue to our backyard. Full story on BMG  

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Steve Wynn’s Astroturfing

Democrats in Massachusetts should be very worried about Steve Wynn’s Astroturfing capability.   The Wynn campaign is taking credit for the 86% approval of resort casino in Everett.  

Why is this problem? 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Steve Wynn is a poster boy for Citizens United

Steve Wynn is a founding member of Karl Rove’s Super PAC Crossroads GPS. 

Crossroads GPS targeted Democrats in 2012 election cycle.
Tweet: Stop #CitizensUnited by Standing up to mega donor @SteveWynn_ in #Everett #MaCasino #Mapoli http://ctt.ec/ak2UX+

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

This is a little to 1984.

Menards 'Civics Course' Teaches Employees The Values Of Limited Government, Low Taxation          

Full story

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Steve Wynn on Economy

Same old Libertarian talking points: Government is bad, job creators are good mixed with odd disparaging remarks about the United States while praising China.
Wynn made all his money in Las Vegas. The most amazing thing about Las Vegas is how much it benefits from the Hoover Dam -- the largest public works program since the Great Pyramids. The federal government built the dam as part of the New Deal so it could provide both electric power and water to Las Vegas. Anyone who got rich off doing business in Vegas while spouting Libertarian views of government is inconsistent at best. Wynn’s talking points also have a few reality problems.
Full story

FoxNews Posterboy Gets Caught!

Have you ever noticed how the 1% and reality do not always agree? Wynn’s Wet Blanket theory is wrong and he is a registered Republican. And a lot of his business practices are not good for a healthy democracy. To our minds, the biggest threat to democracy is the unchecked flow of money into political campaigns caused by Citizens United. You can guess by Wynn’s refusal to answer questions about political contributions in the previous video clips that he is a big player in the world of campaign financing.

Wynn Casino Guides Employees To Vote For Romney

Anyone that has worked for big corporate America is used to the subtle political arm-twisting that goes on. The stunt outlined above crossed the line. But then they tried to cover it up with a disingenuous “nothing to see here” line.
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